Kamis, 14 Mei 2020

TASK 7: Parallel Structure Part I

TASK 7 : Parallel Structure Part I

1. San Francisco has a pleasant climate,___________ and many fascinating neighborhoods.
A. exciting scenery,
B. has exciting scenery
C. that the scenery is exciting
D. the scenery is exciting,

2. Insects provide many beneficial services, such as ______ , breaking down deadwood, and pollinating plants.
A. they condition soils
B. to condition soil
C. conditioning the soil
D. soil conditioned

3. Paint can be applied to a surface with rollers, ______ , or spray guns.
A. brushes
B. brushes can be used
C. with brushes
D. by brush

4. The use of labor-saving devices in homes, _________, and factories added to the amount of leisure time people had.
A. at an office
B. used in offices
C. offices
D. in offices

5.  Roger Williams was a clergyman, ______ the colony of Rhode Island, and an outspoken advocate of religious and political freedom.
A. founded
B. the founder of
C. was the founder of
D. he founded

6. The tip of Pooh's nose by now quite crimson with anxiety and __________.
A. frustrate
B. in frustration
C. frustating
D. Frustration

7. Early and Late, two smallish Friends and Relations,_______ a cracker or tried to.
A. pulls
B. pulled
C. are pulling
D. Pull

8. I looked for my book but ________ find it.
A. couldn't
B. can't
C. isn't
D. Could

9. Throughout history, trade routes have increased contact between people, ___________________ and greatly affected the growth of civilization.
A. have resulted in an exchange of ideas
B. an exchange of ideas has resulted
C. resulted in an exchange of ideas
D. resulting in an exchange of ideas

10. Photographers' choice of a camera depends on what kind of pictures they want to take, how much control they want over exposure, and___________they want to spend.
A. the amount of money
B. what money
C. how much money
D. so much money that

1. San Francisco has a pleasant climate,___________ and many fascinating neighborhoods.
A. exciting scenery,
B. has exciting scenery
C. that the scenery is exciting
D. the scenery is exciting,

2. Insects provide many beneficial services, such as ______ , breaking down deadwood, and pollinating plants.
A. they condition soils
B. to condition soil
C. conditioning the soil
D. soil conditioned

3. Paint can be applied to a surface with rollers, ______ , or spray guns.
A. brushes
B. brushes can be used
C. with brushes
D. by brush

4. The use of labor-saving devices in homes, _________, and factories added to the amount of leisure time people had.
A. at an office
B. used in offices
C. offices
D. in offices

5.  Roger Williams was a clergyman, ______ the colony of Rhode Island, and an outspoken advocate of religious and political freedom.
A. founded
B. the founder of
C. was the founder of
D. he founded

6. The tip of Pooh's nose by now quite crimson with anxiety and __________.
A. frustrate
B. in frustration
C. frustating
D. Frustration

7. Early and Late, two smallish Friends and Relations,_______ a cracker or tried to.
A. pulls
B. pulled
C. are pulling
D. Pull

8. I looked for my book but ________ find it.
A. couldn't
B. can't
C. isn't
D. Could

9. Throughout history, trade routes have increased contact between people, ___________________ and greatly affected the growth of civilization.
A. have resulted in an exchange of ideas
B. an exchange of ideas has resulted
C. resulted in an exchange of ideas
D. resulting in an exchange of ideas

10. Photographers' choice of a camera depends on what kind of pictures they want to take, how much control they want over exposure, and___________they want to spend.
A. the amount of money
B. what money
C. how much money
D. so much money that

Selasa, 05 Mei 2020

TASK 6 Make Verbs Agree After Prepositional pharse

TASK 6: Make Verbs Agree After Prepositional Phrase
1. Dynamite is ordinarily detonated ______ called a blasting cap.
A. a device is used
B. that a device
C. with a device
D. the use of a device

2. __________ 1900 there were some 300 bicycle factories in the United States, and they produced over a million bicycles.
A. In
B. Because in
C. It was in
D. That in

3. A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps whales warm even ______ coldest water.
A. although the
B. in the
C. the
D. of the 

4. _______________ the United States, the general movement of air masses is from west to east.
A. Across
B. To cross
C. They cross
D. It's across B. in the

5. The bark of a tree thickens__________.
A. with age
B. it gets older
C. as older
D. by age

6. A substance that is harmless to a person who has no allergies can cause mild to serious reactions in a person____________allergies.
A. has
B. which having
C. can have
D. with

7. In 1886 a number of national unions formed the American Federation of Labor ____________.
A. Samuel Gompers was its leader
B. under the leadership of Samuel Gompers
C. which, under Samuel Gompers' leadership
D. Samuel Gompers led it

8. ______________ charming shops and restaurants, Old Town is the most picturesque section of Albuquerque.
A. With its
B. Its
C. Because its
D. For its

9. One of the oldest large suspension bridges still _________ today is the George Washington Bridge between ~ewYork City and Fort Lee, New Jersey.
A. uses
B. is used
C. the use of
D. in use

10. __________ seed of a flowering plant is covered by a dense protective coat.
A. On each
B. Each
C. Each of
D. That each