Jumat, 10 Juli 2020

Sistem Informasi Perbankan Perhitungan Bunga Kredit


Pada tanggal 20 Maret 2019 Tuan Andi mendapat persetujuan pinjaman  senilai Rp. 16.500.000  untuk jangka waktu 3 bulan. Bunga yang dibebankan sebesar 15% pa. Hitunglah cicilan setiap bulannya jika di hitung dengan metode Sliding Rate Bulanan.

Jawab :

Langkah pertama adalah menghitung cicilan pokok pinjaman

Jadi cicilan pokok setiap bulan adalah Rp 5.500.000,- (Flad dan sliding rate)

Metode Flat Rate
Pembebanan bunga setiap bulan tetap dari jumlah pinjamannya, demikian juga angsuran (cicilan) pokok juga akan tetap sampai pinjaman lunas

Jadi cicilan bunga dan pokok total Rp 6.325.000,- setiap bulan selama 3 bulan

Metode Sliding Rate
Pembebanan bunga setiap bulan akan disesuaikan dengan sisa pinjamannya, sehingga angsuran (cicilan) bunga akan menurun seiring dengan berkurangnya nilai pinjaman. Perhitungan Bunga bulan Pertama:

Jadi cicilan bunga dan pokok untuk bulan pertama adalah Rp 6.325.000,-
Perhitungan Bunga bulan Kedua Karena bulan pertama sudah membayar 5.500.000,- maka pokok pinjaman jadi sisa 11.000.000,-

Jadi cicilan bunga dan pokok untuk bulan kedua adalah Rp 6.050.000,-
Perhitungan Bunga bulan Ketiga Karena bulan pertama sampai kedua sudah membayar 11.000.000,- maka pokok pinjaman jadi sisa 5.500.000,-

Jadi cicilan bunga dan pokok untuk bulan ketiga adalah Rp 5.775.000,-

Perbandingan Hasil

Terdapat Selisih dari kedua metode
→18.975.000 – 18.150.000 = 825.000,-

Sistem Informasi Perbankan Internal Control

Pengendalian aplikasi (appliaction controls) adalah sistem pengendalian intern (internal control) pada sistem informasi berbasis teknologi informasi yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan/ kegiatan/aplikasi tertentu (setiap aplikasi memiliki karakteristik dan kebutuhan pengendalian yang berbeda).
  Contoh pada ATM adalah jika nasabah ingin mengambil uang di ATM,maka nasabah akan memasukan kartu ke dalam ATM kemudian akan diminta memasukkan PIN atau setelah memasukkan nilai uang yang akan di ambil,ATM akan mengecek apakah saldo yang kita miliki cukup atau tidak atau jumlah yang diizinka dengan ketentuan dari Bank.
  Pengendalian berupa PIN dan limit pengambilan uang tersebut hanya berlaku di ATM,tidak berlaku di kegiatan lain.Sama hal nya ketika ingin men-transfer uang ke orang lain maka nilai uang yang akan di transfer apakah sesuai dengan saldo yang kita miliki atau tidak atau jumlah yang diizinkan dengan ketentuan dari Bank.

Rabu, 08 Juli 2020



1. In colonial times, flax and wool required months of preparation before they could be dyed and spin into cloth.
A. In
B. required
C. could
D. spin

2. Playwright Frank Shin has often describes the lives of Chinese Americans in his dramas.
A. Playwright
B. describes
C. lives
D. dramas

3. Cans of paint must be shaking to mix the pigments with the medium in which they are suspended
A. shaking
B. mix
C. in which
D. suspended

4. Beavers continuously repair the dams they have build.
A. continuously
B. repair
C. they
D. build

5. Each of the four types of human tooth are suited for a specific purpose.
A. of the
B. tooth
C. are suited
D. specific

6. Alice in Wonderland, first published in 1865, has since being translated into thirty languages.
A. published
B. has
C. being
D. translated

7. The Peace Corps was establish on March 1, 1961, by then President John F. Kennedy.
A. was
B. establish
C. by
D. then

8. The advisor told himself, while listening to the speech, that a dozen other reporters would has already asked that question.
A. told
B. listening
C. would has
D. asked

9. Before he died, Linus Pauling had wins two Nobel Prizes: the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize.
A. wins
B. two
C. Nobel Prizes
D. in Chemistry

10. Nails are commonly make of steel but also can contain substances such as aluminum or brass.
A. are
B. make
C. can
D. contain

11. On the huge Ferris wheel constructed for a world exhibition in Chicago in 1893, each of the thirty-six cabs could held sixty people.
A. huge
B. constructed
C. each
D. held

12. A patient suffering from amnesia may had partial or total loss of memory.
A. suffering
B. may
C. had
D. loss

13. Electrical impulses may also picked up by the optic nerve.
A. impulses
B. may
C. picked
D. by the optic

14. Before the speaker finished, many guests had rose from their seats and started for the door.
A. finished
B. rose
C. their seats
D. started

15. He thought that he should have be invited to attend the conference.
A. should
B. be
C. invited
D. to attend

Rabu, 01 Juli 2020

TASK 8: Errors in Adjective and Adverb

1. Liberal arts colleges cultivate general intellectually abilities rather than technical or professional skills.
A. cultivate
B. intellectually
C. abilities
D. professional

2. Goats are extremely destruction to natural vegetation, and are often responsible for soil erosion.  
A. destruction
B. natural
C. vegetation
D. erosion

3. Telegraph service across the Atlantic was successful established in 1866.
A. service
B. across
C. successful
D. established

4. The Earth's out shell is divided into sections called plates, which are constantly in motion.
A. out
B. divided
C. constantly
D. motion

5. Black bears can move rapidly when necessary and are skillful tree-climbers for their size and weigh.
A. necessary
B. necessary
C. skillful
D. weigh

6. Peach trees grow good in a variety of soil types, but do best in sandy loam.
A. grow
B. good
C. variety
D. sandy

7. Philosopher Theodore A. Langerman was interested in the fields of literary and music.
A. Philosopher
B. interested
C. literary
D. music

8. Modern art is on display at the Guggenhein Museum, a building with an unusually design.
A. Modern
B. display
C. a building
D. unusually

9. Heart attacks are fatally in 75 percent of occurences.
A. heart attacks
B. fatally
C. percent
D. occurences

10. A serious problem is how to communicate reliable with a submerged submarine.
A. serious problem
B. how
C. realiable
D. submerged

Kamis, 14 Mei 2020

TASK 7: Parallel Structure Part I

TASK 7 : Parallel Structure Part I

1. San Francisco has a pleasant climate,___________ and many fascinating neighborhoods.
A. exciting scenery,
B. has exciting scenery
C. that the scenery is exciting
D. the scenery is exciting,

2. Insects provide many beneficial services, such as ______ , breaking down deadwood, and pollinating plants.
A. they condition soils
B. to condition soil
C. conditioning the soil
D. soil conditioned

3. Paint can be applied to a surface with rollers, ______ , or spray guns.
A. brushes
B. brushes can be used
C. with brushes
D. by brush

4. The use of labor-saving devices in homes, _________, and factories added to the amount of leisure time people had.
A. at an office
B. used in offices
C. offices
D. in offices

5.  Roger Williams was a clergyman, ______ the colony of Rhode Island, and an outspoken advocate of religious and political freedom.
A. founded
B. the founder of
C. was the founder of
D. he founded

6. The tip of Pooh's nose by now quite crimson with anxiety and __________.
A. frustrate
B. in frustration
C. frustating
D. Frustration

7. Early and Late, two smallish Friends and Relations,_______ a cracker or tried to.
A. pulls
B. pulled
C. are pulling
D. Pull

8. I looked for my book but ________ find it.
A. couldn't
B. can't
C. isn't
D. Could

9. Throughout history, trade routes have increased contact between people, ___________________ and greatly affected the growth of civilization.
A. have resulted in an exchange of ideas
B. an exchange of ideas has resulted
C. resulted in an exchange of ideas
D. resulting in an exchange of ideas

10. Photographers' choice of a camera depends on what kind of pictures they want to take, how much control they want over exposure, and___________they want to spend.
A. the amount of money
B. what money
C. how much money
D. so much money that

1. San Francisco has a pleasant climate,___________ and many fascinating neighborhoods.
A. exciting scenery,
B. has exciting scenery
C. that the scenery is exciting
D. the scenery is exciting,

2. Insects provide many beneficial services, such as ______ , breaking down deadwood, and pollinating plants.
A. they condition soils
B. to condition soil
C. conditioning the soil
D. soil conditioned

3. Paint can be applied to a surface with rollers, ______ , or spray guns.
A. brushes
B. brushes can be used
C. with brushes
D. by brush

4. The use of labor-saving devices in homes, _________, and factories added to the amount of leisure time people had.
A. at an office
B. used in offices
C. offices
D. in offices

5.  Roger Williams was a clergyman, ______ the colony of Rhode Island, and an outspoken advocate of religious and political freedom.
A. founded
B. the founder of
C. was the founder of
D. he founded

6. The tip of Pooh's nose by now quite crimson with anxiety and __________.
A. frustrate
B. in frustration
C. frustating
D. Frustration

7. Early and Late, two smallish Friends and Relations,_______ a cracker or tried to.
A. pulls
B. pulled
C. are pulling
D. Pull

8. I looked for my book but ________ find it.
A. couldn't
B. can't
C. isn't
D. Could

9. Throughout history, trade routes have increased contact between people, ___________________ and greatly affected the growth of civilization.
A. have resulted in an exchange of ideas
B. an exchange of ideas has resulted
C. resulted in an exchange of ideas
D. resulting in an exchange of ideas

10. Photographers' choice of a camera depends on what kind of pictures they want to take, how much control they want over exposure, and___________they want to spend.
A. the amount of money
B. what money
C. how much money
D. so much money that

Selasa, 05 Mei 2020

TASK 6 Make Verbs Agree After Prepositional pharse

TASK 6: Make Verbs Agree After Prepositional Phrase
1. Dynamite is ordinarily detonated ______ called a blasting cap.
A. a device is used
B. that a device
C. with a device
D. the use of a device

2. __________ 1900 there were some 300 bicycle factories in the United States, and they produced over a million bicycles.
A. In
B. Because in
C. It was in
D. That in

3. A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps whales warm even ______ coldest water.
A. although the
B. in the
C. the
D. of the 

4. _______________ the United States, the general movement of air masses is from west to east.
A. Across
B. To cross
C. They cross
D. It's across B. in the

5. The bark of a tree thickens__________.
A. with age
B. it gets older
C. as older
D. by age

6. A substance that is harmless to a person who has no allergies can cause mild to serious reactions in a person____________allergies.
A. has
B. which having
C. can have
D. with

7. In 1886 a number of national unions formed the American Federation of Labor ____________.
A. Samuel Gompers was its leader
B. under the leadership of Samuel Gompers
C. which, under Samuel Gompers' leadership
D. Samuel Gompers led it

8. ______________ charming shops and restaurants, Old Town is the most picturesque section of Albuquerque.
A. With its
B. Its
C. Because its
D. For its

9. One of the oldest large suspension bridges still _________ today is the George Washington Bridge between ~ewYork City and Fort Lee, New Jersey.
A. uses
B. is used
C. the use of
D. in use

10. __________ seed of a flowering plant is covered by a dense protective coat.
A. On each
B. Each
C. Each of
D. That each

Rabu, 15 April 2020


1. ___________ they are tropical birds, parrots can live in temperate or even cold climates.
A. Despite
B. Even though
C. Nevertheless
D. But

2. Natural silk is still highly prized _______ similar artificial fabrics.
A. although is available
B. despite there are available
C. in spite of the availability of
D. even though an availability of

3. The president of the United States appoints the cabinet members, ______ appointments are subject to Senate approval.
A. their
B. with their
C. because their
D. but their

4. The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because ______.
A. not wanting the story in the papers
B. the story in the papers the superintenddn did not want
C. the public to hear the story
D. the superintendent did not want the story in the papers

5. __________ towards shore, its shape is changed by its collision with the shallow sea bottom.
A. During a wave rolls
B. As a wave rolls
C. A wave rolls
D. A wave's rolling

6. ____________ are increasingly linked over long distances by electronic communications, but many of them still prefer face-to-face encounters.
A. Although people
B. Despite people
C. Today people
D. The fact that people

7. Cattle ranches are found almost ______ in Utah.
A. wherever
B. everywhere
C. overall
D. somewhere

8. If ultraviolet radiation enters the Earth's atmosphere, _____ generally blocked by the ozone concentrated in the atmosphere.
A. it
B. it is
C. so it is
D. then it

9. ________ show the relations among neurons, they do not preclude the possibility that other aspects are important.
A. Neural theories
B. A neural theory
C. Although neural theories
D. However neural theories

10. _________ together in one place, they form a community.
A. When people live
B. When people living
C. Whenever people who live
D. Whenever living people

11. _________ managed by an independent governor and board of directors, the Bank of Canada is owned by the Canadian government.
A. And yet
B. In spite of it
C. Although
D. It is

12. _______ pieces of rope are of different thickness, the weaver's knot can be used to join them.
A. Two of
B. What two
C. Two such
D. If two

13. _________ the seeds of the Kentucky coffee plant are poisonous.
A. Until they have been cooked 
B. Cooking them
C. They have been cooked
D. Cooked until

14. __________ through a prism, a beam of white light breaks into all the colors of the rainbow.
A. When shines
B. It shines
C. It is shone
D. When shone

15. ________ most people think of freezing as a relatively modern method of food preservation, it is actually one of the oldest.
A. Even
B. As though
C. However
D. Even though

16. ________  large bodies of water never freeze solid is that the sheet of ice on the surface protects the water below it from the cold air.
A. Because
B. Why do
C. The reason that
D. For the reason

17. _________ granted by the Patent Office, it becomes the inventor's property and he or she can keep it, sell it, or license it to someone else.
A. Once a patent is
B. When a patent
C. A patent, once
D. A patent, whenever it

18. Owls can hunt in total darkness ______ their remarkably keen sense of smell.
A. since
B. because of
C. the result
D. that

19. _________ most bamboo blooms every year, there are some species that flower only two or three times a century.
A. Whenever
B. That
C. While
D. However

20. ________ advertising is so widespread in the United States, it has had an enormous effect on American life.
A. Why
B. The reason
C. On account of
D. Since